Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Classical Conversations

If you would have asked me six months ago what I thought about homeschooling my kids, my response would have been, "No way!" It's kind of funny how God works. There was a day in July that was challenging me to pieces. I was struggling inwardly with my role as a stay-at-home-mom. I felt that I was resenting my boys because were keeping me from living the easy life. Being at home with young kids is the most challenging job I can think of, with very little fruit that is seen right away. I was broken, and I happened upon an article about being a mom. It was a much-needed kick-in-the-booty about how I can portray the GOSPEL by raising my kids. By laying down my own selfish desires in order to serve my children. What better way to show how Jesus laid down his life for us. Instead of grumbling about my role, my job is to embrace it and love my kids as Jesus sacrificially and selflessly loves me. I'm so grateful that the Lord gave me that article right when I needed it.

Later that afternoon, a friend sent me some information about a homeschooling program called Classical Conversations. Instead of dismissing it like I normally would, I felt the Spirit nudging me to just pray about it and look into it. What are you doing, Lord? I had a phone date with my sweet friend Laura that evening. After our two-hour conversation, I still wasn't convinced. But, the more Greg and I prayed about it, the more we felt led to try this out for a year. God used that article to show us that, for now, home schooling was how he wanted me to serve my children and lay down my desires in order to disciple them. I won't go into details about the program, but you're welcome to look into it here.

So, here we are, trying out a home school program with our four-year-old. We love it. He has already learned so much. We are certainly not pushing too much on him because he is only four. In January, I hope to have more of a routine down at home with reading, math and handwriting curriculum.

I want to write a blog soon about WHY we feel that God might be leading us in this direction for our boys' education. I feel that having it in writing is important for me to have for the days that we doubt our decision. (I honestly have already had those days!) Hopefully, that blog will be coming soon. I also want to make it known that I am not advocating that home school is the best way to go for every family. God speaks to different families in different ways. Nor, am I against public or private school. I feel that God can use all methods of education for His glory. I am only speaking for how He is working in our family.

We started CC in September. We meet every Wednesday as a group at a local church. Jack goes to his nursery class, while I stay with Luke in his class. It has become a great community of moms and dads with the same heart for our children. The mission of Classical Conversations is "To know God and make God known". If the Holy Spirit can use me to educate my children and produce that mission in their hearts, then it is worth it to me!

It's pretty crazy for me to try to get both boys out of the door with our lunches, supplies, snacks etc. and to the church where we meet on time. So, I didn't have time to get a ton of pictures of our first day, but I managed to get a couple in the parking lot. :) I love these sweet brothers!

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