Wednesday, December 14, 2011


We started our Halloween by carving pumpkins a few days before. Luke was really into it. Jack, not so much.

Luke picked this pumpkin out by himself, so we let him use a Sharpie to decorate however he wanted. He loved that.

I love this. Luke was excited about his baby brother in the way!
Jack ended up playing in the yard.

Of course, we had to decorate cookies on Halloween.

Then, we headed out for our night of trick-or-treating. How cute is my little policeman and Lightning McQueen driver? Holding hands at that...
Let these next few pics speak of their personalities.

My 9-month preggo self stayed behind to pass out candy while Greg took the boys out. They had a blast.

Luke, of course, took charge and ran the show:
We aren't big fans of the scary decorations. So, this house freaked them out quite a bit... you can tell by their expressions:
"Should we go up there, brother?"
The rest of the evening was spent on our driveway, playing, meeting neighbors and passing out candy. The boys were in their element...such people persons!
Luke sat at the edge of the driveway, passing out candy. This boy loves to be in charge.
He later dropped this pumpkin of candy on the ground. Some people passing by helped him pick all the candy up. Later, he told me that that was his favorite part of the night. Not getting candy, but the nice people helping him.

Just for kicks, here is their Halloween pic last year...recognize Luke's costume?! We love hand-me-downs!

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