I have a goal of getting caught up with my blogs before Noah comes, which will be soon! So, expect many blogs coming up!
I found many random pictures from the last half of July, so I'm joining them into one blog.
I love my Luke. I love his personality and the little boy that God has created him to be. He loves to help Greg with ANYTHING. He loves to go with him to the "Man Store" (Lowes), get gas, go with him to his office on weekends for emergency patients...anything. I love that his relationship with him is so unique, and that they are able to spend so much time together.
This particular day, Greg was sprucing up the flower beds, so, of course, Luke was right there in the action!

Notice that whenever Greg squats, Luke does too. So intense.

"Hey, Luke, look at the camera!" This is the response I get. Crazy kiddo.

Jack transitioned to his "big boy bed", and Luke gave him the run-down on the rules. Love Jack's legs.

He did not do well the first couple of nights. We finally realized it was because he did not like the pillow. Once we got rid of the pillow, he slept like a champion. Just like his daddy: he sleeps completely straight on his belly.

His first night...notice he wants nothing to do with the pillow.

We made an awesome tent one day. (July was brutally hot!) We read books, played cars, played games and watched videos in the tent.

If you enlarge this next picture, Jack's face is awesome.

At the end of July, we headed up to Longview to celebrate my nephew's fourth birthday at Pump it Up. We had a great time.

Happy birthday, Mack!
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