We had several visitors early on in the summer. It started on Greg's birthday. My brother, Jason, was able to come down from Fort Worth. Of course, this means wrestling time for the boys!

Poor Jason! This can't feel good on his knees!

Greg and Jason took Luke to an Aggie baseball game. He still talks about watching the Aggies play. I asked Greg to bring the camera and take lots of pictures. He took a few, but I think Luke took just as many!
Sweet little Aggie!

A Luke shot of the field:

And, a Luke shot of his lollipop!

Then, we got a cake for Greg after dinner. I think this was more for the boys than us!
Here is the birthday boy blowing out his candles. I am SO thankful that God created this man 32 years ago!

Two anxious boys ready for their cake!

Thumbs up for yummy cake!

This is Luke's mischievous/silly face:

Jack and Jason showing some pretty intimidating muscles:

This cracks us up. Jack is known to be a VERY messy kid. But, he can't stand to hold things if his hands are sticky or dirty. So, if he's thirsty with dirty hands, this is his solution:

"Me, messy?!?"

And, the major fit after his cake was gone:

We had a great visit with Jason. Those boys LOVE their Uncle Jason. In fact, I'm pretty sure he's one of Jack's favorite people. Whenever he's here, Jack won't let him leave his sight. He'll even stand outside the bathroom door if Jason is in there, knocking. "Gason, you coming out now?"
A week later, we were blessed by a visit from our Rockwall neighbors and dear friends,
the McGrew's. They have two boys, Landon and Reid, and she's pregnant with her third son as well! So you can imagine that we were busy keeping up with all of them. I wish we would have taken more pictures!
We spent lots of time outside. The first evening, we had popsicles. Yum!

Four happy boys!

Have I mentioned that Jack likes to get messy?

We had a great time with the McGrew's! Time was spent playing in the pool, eating out, going to the park, and just PLAYING! We miss them so much!
Then, some of our other great Rockwall friends, the Hake's came in for a weekend. Luke and Tanner are the same age, and Hudson is about six months younger than Jack. Again, a boy-filled house, and we LOVED it!
We spent lots of time playing in the pool:

Curly-headed buddies:

Love my blue-eyed buddy!

Bath time! Nothing beats a tub-full of sweet boys! I love Hudson's face here:

Luke & Tanner are SILLY and have so much fun playing together.

This was also my birthday weekend, so ate a birthday dinner at Chuy's, one of my favorites! (on the patio, I might add, roasting in the heat!) They also introduced us to a new game, Settlers of Catan. We loved it so much that we bought it shortly after and have played it several times since. We LOVE the Hake's and miss living close to them!
We love hosting our friends and family here. So, if you're ever in the area, let us know!
Thanks for visiting, Jason, McGrew's and Hakes! We love ALL of you.
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