Monday, December 20, 2010

Halloween things...

Just now getting around to the Halloween post. Hey...I'm less than 2 months behind now, and that's an accomplishment. The only reason I'm anal about putting special events on here is because this is also serving as our family scrapbook once I print it off!

Halloween day was busy. We spent the morning at a local landscaping business that puts on a pumpkin patch for the kids. They had a lot of fun...I love these ages because they will have fun just about anywhere!

Here is Luke in front of the big spider!
The best I could do in front of the pumpkin -
And, then there's Luke!

Jack got really excited about the "apples". He calls all pumpkins "apple!".
"Jack, say 'pumpkin'." "APPLE!" Crazy kid!
Kisses for Momma
They had the most unique pumpkin-y things - I thought this looked like a dead chicken -
"This is a really bumpy one!"
My pumpkin -

One of my all-time favorite photos of them -
I had great visions for the cuteness of this picture. Jack, not so much!
And, Luke - not so much. "It's too bright!"


This was standing in the 3 Little Pigs' House. He might be the big bad wolf -

The 3 little piggies -
"Here's Jacky!" Had to get that picture!
Running through the maze -

They had a video playing that Luke was interested in all of 2 minutes. We're outside! There are better things to do than watch a video!

Ahhh...these moments melt my heart!

After carving pumpkins, making cookies and taking was off to trick or treat! My parents have bought the boys' costumes every year from Disneyland, and, I've got to say, they are always the best costumes out there!

Here is our Lightning McQueen race car driver! He is in love with this costume and still asks to wear it sometimes!
And, here is our Nemo!

Cutest costume ever!

Here we go!
It was a beautiful evening!
This lady was particularly interested in talking with them. Like, for a really long time. Then, I realized that she was also on the phone the whole time. How annoying for that person on the other end of the phone!
They were so cute. Luke would ring the doorbell. Then, Jack would say, "He-woh!" when they opened the door and reach his hand out for candy. They got the hang of it quickly.
Luke ringing the doorbell; Jack checking out interesting statue. Typical.
We really had such a great time together. And, they are still eating all that candy they got. Jack's favorite - the "pops" (lollipops). Luke's favorite - anything "chocwitt" (chocolate).

Happy Halloween! (in December - ha!)

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