Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I wanted to post the letter I recently sent out to close family and friends so that my blogging family can be a praying, too!

Dear Friends and Family,

Almost three years ago, the Lord led us to an amazing friendship with the Barret family: Mark “Bub”, Monica, Bailey and Libby. Their friendship means the world to us, as they are truly disciples that sharpen us, encourage us, pray for us and spur us on toward godliness. In 2008, we were able to see this family step out in faith and obedience to minister to a pastor in Uganda, Pastor Emmy. After their visit, it was clear to Greg and me that God had begun an amazing ministry in Uganda through the Barret’s. The most startling observation from their trip was that they, as a family, had been ministered to by these orphans and pastors just as much as the Barret’s were there to minister to them.

To make a very long and amazing story very short, Parental Care Ministries was started! To say that God has expanded and blessed this ministry in two and a half years is a huge understatement. You really should spend a few minutes checking out the entire story and ministry at It will be well worth your time!

Over a year ago, I was praying for PCM, and I found myself praying for a playground for these 250+ orphans that Pastor Emmy cares for. Then, these words came out of my mouth, “Greg, if they ever do get a playground, I will be there!” When I mentioned it to Monica, she said that she thinks 2010 will be “The Year of the Playground” for PCM.

Fast forward to March of 2010. One of the girls in our life group at our church here in Rockwall was going on a 10-day mission trip to South Africa. So, we put together a book of encouragement for her. Like me, she has two young boys, so it was on my heart to share Isaiah 52:12 with her: “But you will not leave in haste or go in flight; for the LORD will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard.” The Lord was going before her to S. Africa, and going behind her to protect her and guard what she was leaving behind. He who called her to Africa would be faithful to protect her precious boys that she was leaving behind. In the back of my mind, though, I was thinking, “This is easy to type, but I can’t imagine leaving my boys behind for 10 days going to the other side of the world!” Haha…this is funny to me now!

I kid you not, the moment I pressed send, I heard the “ding” of my phone telling me that I had a new email. It was an email from Bub to several people to fill us in on an upcoming trip to Uganda in November. It was an invitation to join in what God was doing there by GOING. What would be one of the primary purposes of the trip? You guessed it – to assemble a PLAYGROUND! I immediately began to feel the Spirit tugging at my heart to join PCM on this trip. One of my first thoughts, though, was leaving my sweet little guys behind for that long and being so far away from them. I didn’t think I could handle it. But, wait…what had I just sent my friend? Yes, I felt at that moment that God was using the scripture and encouragement that I had sent just as much for me as He would use it for my friend!

In June, I had a phone conversation with Bub about the trip. I was still trying to pray and decide if it was right for me. By the end of the conversation, I was in tears, driving my car. I knew that God wanted me in Uganda in November, and I had such peace about it. It’s an incredible feeling to get a green light from God! But, when I got home, I saw my precious Greg, Luke and Jack, and my “logical side” kicked in. I just can’t leave them for that long and be that far away from them. That evening, I was reading in Mark 10. This is what I read: “‘I tell you the truth,’ Jesus replied, ‘no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and my gospel will fail to receive a hundred times in this present age…and in the age to come, eternal life.” Okay, Lord, I hear You loud and clear. I will go to Uganda for YOU and YOUR GOSPEL! Sometimes the logical plan isn’t God’s plan. I choose to be obedient.

So, I will be flying into Kampala and traveling to Mbarara, Uganda November 18-28 with the Barret’s, a builder from Tyler and a nurse from Washington DC. Our primary purposes will be building desks for the school, assembling the playground, playing with the orphans, encouraging the pastors and orphans, doing some farming on the new land that PCM just acquired, and visiting some of the rural churches. I have been put in charge of the “Orphan Fun” (or “funs” as Pastor Emmy says!). How cool of an assignment is that?! I will also be giving devotions/messages to the children and churches. I don’t know exactly what to expect, but I do know that God has called me to be there, and I am eager to be used however possible. I am looking forward to seeing what God does through our team!

The purpose of this letter is to inform you what I will be doing in Uganda and why I am going. But, it is also to ask for YOUR part in my trip. Above all, I am asking for prayer. Please pray for safety and health. More than that, please pray that God would be glorified in our time with these precious Ugandans, and that we would be fruitful in all that we are doing. Pray for our trip preparations and for peace for my heart as I leave my husband and my boys. Also, pray for my boys that they would adjust well. So far, the Lord has provided the funds needed to be a part of this trip. But, I do need more traveling expenses. If the Lord leads you to give financially, you can write a tax-deductible check to Parental Care Ministries with a post-it note attached with my name on it and mail it to PCM at PO Box 131166 – Tyler, TX 75713-1166. Please send this no later than November 10th. Also, there will be daily blog updates while we are there. If you would like to receive email notifications for these blog updates, please email, and she will add you to the email list.

Thank you for taking time to hear my heart for Uganda. I’m humbled that God has called me to be a part of what He is doing there, and I’m looking forward to sharing with you afterward!

Love to you all!


1 comment:

The McGrew Crew said...

I LOVED reading your letter (and have meant to tell you) and how you were called to this mission project! We will be praying for this trip, the work you all will be doing there, and your 3 boys that will be waiting back home for you! Can't wait to hear what all God is doing!