Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh, Jack!

Our Jack is something else. I'm telling you, I fall in love with this boy more and more by the SECOND. He really is a sweet, delightful little guy. He is a typical little brother...curious, adventurous, affectionate, rambunctious, resilient, busy, charming and GOOFY! If these pictures don't show a small piece of the LARGE personality this boy has, then I don't know what will!

He is into EVERYTHING! Luke never was much of an "oral baby", but Jack still puts EVERYTHING in his mouth. I looked back in my car today, and he was gnawing away at his sandal. I can't leave him alone for more than 30 seconds, for fear of what he might stick in his mouth. For example...
Don't let those big blue eyes deceive you, this boy knew what he was doing was wrong, hence, him hiding behind the dining room table. If I ever see him back there, I know that he can't be up to anything good! Look at this mischievous smile! (Can you guess what color he chose?) Now, every time Luke is coloring and Jack comes near him, Luke gets this really cute voice and says, "No, Jack. I can't let you have one of these. IIIIII know right where they will go - in your mouth!". He catches on quickly!
Not good lighting, but he was sure proud to show me the beloved, chewable crayon.
He likes to play with the most random things. We were watching a pre-nap show a couple of weeks ago, and this tired boy decided to take a sit-down in Big Brother's float toy. Safety never takes a vacation at our house.
Trying to wiggle inside of it...
There...just right!
And....good night.
He is so, so beautiful to me. His bleach-blonde hair and blue eyes are just captivating. He can just look at his momma, and Momma will melt!
I must say, though, that I HATE it when people look at Greg and me and tell us that Jack must be the "mailman's baby". Yes, I've heard it plenty of times, and those people get no chuckles from me. This boy belongs to us!
He has the most HILARIOUS facial expressions. He is passionate and dramatic about what he does...anything he does from grabbing a sippy cup to playing with a car to dancing to music. He makes me laugh...I love his GUSTO for life!
He is the world's messiest eater. Period. Here is a little strawberry shortcake...
Proof he is my husband's son...he loves, loves, loves to brush his teeth. He begs for it quite often.
This is his, "I'm not getting my way" face. Gets me every time. Sorry, Jacky Boy, but there is nothing worthwhile to play with in Mommy and Daddy's closet.
But, alas, he found two treasures...Mommy's sandal and Daddy's hat. He will play with ANYTHING.
He is quite independent. Greg found him in his room trying to put on Big Brother's shorts. Cutie patootie.
Check out that hair! (And, you gotta love Beloved Paco the rocking Donkey in the background!)
Again...facial expressions. He almost always has a bruise on his forehead, too.
And, again with the eating. Spoon? Who needs a spoon for yogurt when you have very capable fingers... you can end up looking like this?

He is quite the comedian. We are trying to break him of his pacifiers to where he just has one while he's sleeping. But, he found 2 treasures here and knew just where to keep them!
He loves to hide - behind things and under things. And, he hides quietly. I used to panic when I couldn't find him and he wasn't responding to me calling for him, but, I've learned to just look behind doors, shower curtains, racks of clothes, toilets, etc. or under the chairs, high chair, table (below), bed, etc. He will be a pro hide-and-seeker very soon!
Oh, Jack! We love you so much! You give us a run for our money with your curiosity and sneakiness, but we wouldn't change any of it. You are an absolute joy!


The McGrew Crew said...

So cute!! We love that little boy!!

Home of the Bergs said...

Don't let anyone tell you he is the mailman's baby, he looks just like Greg with blonde hair.