Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy 29th, Greg!

Yesterday, my wonderful, handsome husband turned 29 years old. That just seems so old...we still have one more year of his precious 20's!

It was a great birthday for him. We had celebrated with his family the night before. Yesterday, I made Greg his favorite breakfast...biscuits and gravy. That's something that we only have on very rare occasions, so he really enjoyed it. Then, Luke and I had lunch with him at his office. It's always a treat for Luke (and me!) to see Daddy in the middle of the day. As soon as we turn into his parking lot, Luke will start screaming, "DADA!" and shaking with excitement...I love it! I offered to take him to Shogun for dinner, but he preferred to just be at home with his family. I also made him his favorite cake - marble cake with chocolate frosting. I made it double-layered...YUMMY! Unfortunately, I was very nauseous last night, and cake didn't sound good. On top of that, we woke up this morning with ants swarming the cake, even though it was covered in a tupperware cake holder. How did they get in there?! It was such a bummer for both of us seeing all of that precious cake go to waste, but we don't need it anyway. Thank you, ants, for keeping me from gaining too much pregnancy weight.

I wanted to share some of my favorite things about my husband. God has truly blessed me with an incredible man!

- He makes me laugh more than anyone else. I laugh and laugh and laugh with him daily.

- He is gentle with Luke, me, his patients and anyone he meets.

- He is an amazing daddy. Luke adores him so much, and I know that adoration will only grow through the years.

- He has a genuine interest in others.

- He listens well and remembers later what was said to him.

- He calls waiters and waitresses by their name.

- He is selfless...he continually looks to others' interests above his own.

- He lets me lay in his lap every night and plays with my hair.

- He is a hard worker and supports me in my desire to stay home to raise our kids. In fact, this is what he always wanted his wife to do.

- He's a great cook!

- He loves trying new things and going to new places.

- He's the most patient person I know.

- He LOVES what he does...dentistry is his passion. Well, no, PEOPLE are his passion, and he loves serving them through dentistry. He loves teeth, too! ;)

- He can start a conversation with the wall if he wanted. Seriously, he just has great communication and people skills.

- He's usually the life of the party!

- He takes great consideration into any decision he makes. He really listens to the Lord.

- He is very gifted musically - he has a beautiful voice and is one of the best guitar players I've ever heard.

- He likes to keep things very tidy and uncluttered (except his closet!)

- He loves being outside, and he even loves doing yardwork!

- He is teachable, always very eager to learn.

- He is an encourager.

- He's so handsome! I scored big time!

- He is a spiritual leader for me and our family. I totally trust him to lead us because he is so in tune with the Lord and His heart.

- I love seeing him interact and be so genuine with my family. They absolutely adore him. Often, my dad will call our home phone instead of my cell. I'm convinced it's so he can talk to Greg. Half of the time, he won't even talk to me...just Greg! I love that they are completely real with him.

- He loves to entertain people and always very eager to open our home to others.

- Most importantly, Greg loves Jesus! He has a strong passion for the can just see Christ all over him.

I could have gone on and on...I have the complete package. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with such an amazing husband to share life with.

Luke, you have some big shoes to fill!

Happy birthday, Greg! I love you.


andrea said...

Happy Birthday Greg!! Wish I could've celebrated with yall! Love you!

Momo said...

Happy Birthday, Greg!!
It's been a great 29 years....I can't believe you're that old!!!
We've had a lot of fun and there's lots more to come. I love you as high as the sky.......